Tuesday, 18 May 2010

Featured Artist of the Month - Nel Whatmore

Nel Whatmore is married to the writer Mark Morris and they have two children David and Polly. Mark writes in the mornings and Nel paints in the afternoons, the rest of their time is divided looking after their children.

Music and colour form an integral part of her work. The former focuses her mind, the latter is her main inspiration.

Although she uses pastels predominantly she has recently introduced watercolour into her work. "I feel as though my work has developed greater fluidity and vibrancy through the use of watercolour."

"Each painting is a puzzle. There are many ways you can try to fit the pieces together but only one way they really look right. Sometimes you find what you are looking for, other times it remains elusive."

Nel has this year taken over a sparkling new Yorkshire Studio, later this year her well loved paintings will be on show at the Queen of flower shows, Chelsea where she is flying the flag for her native Yorkshire.

Nel Whatmore the brand is moving upwards internationally too. From the beginning of the new decade Nel will be represented in the North America.

Each painting at Liquid Amber is sourced from the Nel Whatmore artist studio direct.